Thursday, March 20, 2014

“On a roll” or “in a rut”?

An unbroken serious of events, and a lot of people are able to recognize these moments, and also refer to them as “on the grind” or “in a groove” ,“Bad patch”, “bad streak” some people are “counting their blessings” or are “out of luck”. 

It is extremely easy for humans to complain, revolt, bitch and whine when things are not going our way, but when things are going our way, we find ourselves oblivious to the moment which makes it almost impossible to recognize it.

In my opinion, this behavior is dangerous in both fronts, it is out of balance. When we are flying high, if we don’t recognize the moment we might get too high and miss the real moment.  If we get too low, it becomes almost an addiction to continue to beat that drum, and to stay on that blue bus.

Our behavior on both fronts can become egocentric, egotistical, and pompous.  To dare and have the audacity to convince ourselves (if you find yourself “in a roll” or “in a rut”) that everyone or everything is looking or pointing at you, or that the world is revolving around you? How naïve and ignorant.

We must remind ourselves that the mind can play tricks on us. We are minute beings, insignificant in comparison to the 300 billion plus stars, 200 plus planets (yes I googled this, so blame google) and 7 billion plus humans living on planet earth.

We must take a step back, no matter what.  Look around, find the patterns. Be glad all the time, not just when is a “good streak” but when you are “in a rut”.  Are you breathing? Check, are you full? Check, do you have a roof over your head? Check, are your loved ones breathing? Check.

Be careful to not fly too high and not indulge on the marmalade of low.

I am not nor have I ever been a great person, but my daily mission is to breathe in the day for the day.  I try to improve from yesterday, and analyze my decision a little bit more today so it will not impact my family in any negative way.  Try to put my ego aside, be selfless and be more humble than yesterday and hope to be even more tomorrow.

I am glad that I wrote this, I am even more glad that you read it.
P.S. no matter what, we need to get off the bus once in a while to see where we are because if it is sunny or rainy out, you want to experience and appreciate the moment and the lessons learned.


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