"Muchos años después, frente al pelotón de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buendía había de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llevó a conocer el hielo. Macondo era entonces una aldea de veinte casas de barro y cañabrava construidas a la orilla de un río de aguas diáfanas que se precipitaban por un lecho de piedras pulidas, blancas y enormes como huevos prehistóricos. El mundo era tan reciente, que muchas cosas carecían de nombre, y para mencionarlas había que señalarlas con el dedo. Todos los años, por el mes de marzo, una familia de gitanos desarrapados plantaba su carpa cerca de la aldea, y con un grande alboroto de pitos y timbales daban a conocer los nuevos inventos. Primero llevaron el imán. Un gitano corpulento, ...". (Cien años de soledad)
"Muchos años después, frente al pelotón de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buendía había de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llevó a conocer el hielo. Macondo era entonces una aldea de veinte casas de barro y cañabrava construidas a la orilla de un río de aguas diáfanas que se precipitaban por un lecho de piedras pulidas, blancas y enormes como huevos prehistóricos. El mundo era tan reciente, que muchas cosas carecían de nombre, y para mencionarlas había que señalarlas con el dedo. Todos los años, por el mes de marzo, una familia de gitanos desarrapados plantaba su carpa cerca de la aldea, y con un grande alboroto de pitos y timbales daban a conocer los nuevos inventos. Primero llevaron el imán. Un gitano corpulento, ...". (Cien años de soledad)
I was thirteen years old the first time I read the same exact paragraph and I believe by the time I finish reading the second paragraph of One hundred years of solitude I was in love with his way of writing.
I finish the book in five days to the surprise of my 8th grade teachers and from there "Gabo" became my favorite writer.
I spend my early teenage years reading and living his stories living in "Macondo" with Arcadio Buendia and Ursula Iguaran and coronel Aureliano Buendia in "One hundred years of solitude" or wanting to find love and eat flowers just like Florentino Ariza did in "Love in the time of cholera".
Before I finish 9th grade when I knew I was coming to live with my mom in the United States I stole all his books from my school's library, I couldn't live there collecting dust in those shelves instead they travel with me to the next chapter of my book.
In 1982, Marquez became the first Colombian and only the fourth Latin American Author to win the Nobel Prize, he help to create and define "magic realism" as a literary genre he always said that "what matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it".
After a long day out, during dinner Amner told me he had died all we talk over dinner was his dead and his work, after we got home my mother call me and she told me "I have bad news, your idol died" and then I cry a little she continue to tell me now there is a reason why you have your treasures his books even more and share them with your kids, and you betcha I will.
My kids will learn and live with his imaginary city Macondo and with El Coronel from "No one writes to the colonel", with Sierva Maria from "Of love and other demons" with all of them, with all of those incredible characters that he created.
Today the world lost one of it's greatest writers, but the beauty of his work remains with us, therefore he would never be forgotten and in my heart there will always be a place for him and his stories.
Buenas Noches Gabo!!!
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